Friday 17 August 2007

Yay, it's the weekend...

It's the weekend at last, lol. I was planning on getting some jobs done around the house and then disappearing off somewhere with the camera, but the weather forecast isn't too good. Looks like I may end up in the garden. It's starting to look a bit overgrown, there's lots of deadheading to do and the back hedge needs cutting. You'd think as a professional gardener I'd have the smartest garden around but after spending all week in the gardens at work I'm rarely in the mood to start again on a weekend. I could do to spend some time on the computer too, my 'work in progress' folder is bursting at the seams with photos that are waiting to be edited and I'd like to post a few here and on my other website. I just don't know where all the time goes, I recently gave up playing a MMORPG ('Eve') I was hooked on because I thought I would have more time for other stuff, but nope, I seem to have less time than ever. Maybe it's something to do with getting older?

My excuse for not doing the garden is usually '...but I don't want to disturb the wildlife...', although a lot of it seems to have taken up residence in the garage. I know we have mice in there and last year we had a Robin nest in there. This year a Wren has taken over the old Robins nest and the young'uns have just fledged. I've also spotted a pair of Stoats running in and out through the gap at the bottom of the door where the wood is a bit rotten. I don't want to disturb those, if they are living in there and weren't just hunting. They are so much fun to watch as they chase each other around the garden.

And I need to chase into the kitchen, my better half will be home any minute and I still haven't thought of anything to cook for dinner...

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