Wednesday 15 August 2007

Starting the ball rolling...

Well, I've finally got around to writing a blog. Over the coming days and months I hope to keep whoever takes the time to stop by, informed about the activities of the wildflife in the garden and the surrounding countryside, my attempts at photography (see my website for more on this) and my adventures rambling the hills and vales of my beloved Yorkshire.

Actually now I come to think of it, I don't have a great deal to write about at the moment, lol. I'm busy at work, and my wife has me doing jobs around the house on a weekend so my spare time is at an all time low. But there is only just over a week to go before I get a whole two weeks off work and, hopefully, I'll have got all my jobs done, I won't get any unexpected bills so I can finally get the new camera I've been after for what seems like ages now, and the weather will be kind so I can head off into the hills for a few days walking... More likely it'll rain non-stop, the car will break down and my wife will want the living room decorating... Still I can but dream, lol.

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