Tuesday 4 September 2007

A new toy

I'm just over half way through a two week break from work and I've done absolutely nothing apart from mow the lawn, and spend some money. Yep, I've been and got a new camera. I am now the proud (and very much broke!!) owner of a new Nikon D40. I only got the thing yesterday so I haven't really done much with it yet, still figuring out what all the buttons do, but the few shots I have taken look very impressive compared the compact I have been using upto now. If I can get through the long list of jobs my wife has left me to do in the next couple of days then I'm planning a couple of 'expeditions', to the dales and also maybe to the coast, to really see what it can do.

What I could really do with is a few lovely misty mornings. When the rising sun shines through the mist, spilling a rich golden light across the fields, I reckon my little corner of England is as beautiful as anywhere in the British Isles. The only problem at this time of the year is forcing myself out of bed early enough to appreciate it!